Service Opportunities

One of the Objects of Rotary is "The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's person, business, and community life."
Below you will find opportunities to serve along side fellow Rotarians and community members.

February 12/13 (Wednesday/Thursday)
CLICK HERE to sign up
Place of Grace Dinner
Our Rotary team will be preparing a meal at Sheila Riley's home on Wednesday, February 12th. The second part of our team will make final preparation, serve, and clean up on Thursday, February 13th. All are welcome to dine with the guests. Project volunteers will be asked to provide a few ingredients for the meal.
If you are unable to assist in person, we are also asked to provide homemade desserts for the dinner. These desserts can be dropped off at our noon Rotary meeting on the 13th or by contacting Sheila Riley direct to make arrangements. Simple fall recipes will be provided for you to choose from.
The opportunity is sponsored by the Humanitarian Committee and the Cooking Fellowship.
Note: You don't have to be a Rotarian to sign up. Feel free to sign a friend or family member up with you if you wish!
See Sheila Riley for questions or more details.

March 20 (Thursday) CLICK HERE to sign up
Steel Magnolias - LCT
Our club will be the ushers for tonight's performance of Steel Magnolias. Volunteer opportunities include taking tickets, helping with seating, handing out programs, 50/50 raffle ticket sellers, and Will Call ticket distribution. Attire: Rotary volunteer t-shirt. Come out and support the La Crosse Community Theater! Volunteers see the show for FREE this evening!
Note: You don't have to be a Rotarian to sign up. Feel free to sign a friend or family member up if you wish!
See Niki Pohnl for questions or more details.

April 5 (Saturday) CLICK HERE to sign up
iFeed is a food packing event sponsored by Rotary and Kids Against Hunger. The 10th Annual iFeed event is looking for our support - providing two assembly line packing teams. We committed to two teams - one team at 8:30am and one at 10:00am. The event is located at Logan High School. All volunteers are encouraged to bring a donation of canned food items. Volunteers need to arrive 40 minutes before their shift. Lunch is included. For more information, see the website:
Note: You don't have to be a Rotarian to sign up. Feel free to sign a friend or family member up if you wish!
See Niki Pohnl for questions or more details.

May 8 (Thursday) CLICK HERE to sign up
Waitress - LCT
Our club will be the ushers for tonight's performance of Waitress. Volunteer opportunities include taking tickets, helping with seating, handing out programs, 50/50 raffle ticket sellers, and Will Call ticket distribution. Attire: Rotary volunteer t-shirt. Come out and support the La Crosse Community Theater! Volunteers see the show for FREE this evening!
Note: You don't have to be a Rotarian to sign up. Feel free to sign a friend or family member up if you wish!
See Niki Pohnl for questions or more details.
Projects sponsored by Rotary will be given priority.
If you would like to organize a group of Rotarians to help with one of your projects, complete the form below and submit it for review to
The Rotary Club of La Crosse cannot guarantee support for all projects; approval of projects is at the discretion of the Service Project Committee.
Projects must align with the mission and values of Rotary.
2024-2025 COMPLETED Rotary Service Projects included:
Oktoberfest - Admission Sales Volunteers
La Crosse Community Theater - Ushers for "Oliver"
Place of Grace - Meal preparation and service
Viking Cruiser Ambassadors
Pickleball for Polio
Riverside International Friendship Garden Clean Up
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
Rotary Lights Opening Night Volunteers
Fruit Box Fundraiser Assembly