Membership Types

Active Membership
One who has been elected to and enjoys all the obligations, responsibilities, membership under a business or professional classification and privileges of membership as provided in the RI Constitution and Bylaws. Active members may hold office in their clubs and serve RI at the district and international levels. They are expected to meet attendance, pay dues and bring new members into Rotary.
Associate Membership
A program to recruit younger members to membership. Associate Membership is available to anyone who is proposed for membership who is 35 years of age or less. Associate membership will end when that member reaches the age of 38. They would pay for dues and half the regular meal cost per quarter no matter how many meetings they attend that quarter.
Excused Membership
A member who has been a Rotarian for 20 or more years + age = 85. Member pays dues and only for the meals when they attend a meeting.
Honorary Membership
May be offered to people who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals. Honorary members cannot propose new members to the club or hold office and are exempt from attendance requirements and club dues. Pays only for meals when attending. Learn More.
Family Membership
A spouse, significant other, son or daughter may join as a family membership. Learn More.
Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership is a program to allow multiple employees of a business Rotary participation under one primary membership. A primary and secondary designee of the business both will become members. (Three-year limit on corporate memberships. Extension periods may be possible.) Learn More.
Costs for 2024-25
Initial Rotary Fee - $50.00
Initial Foundation Fee - $10.00
Dues per quarter: $82.50
Dues per quarter: $82.50
Meals per quarter: $242.97