Rotary Leadership Series
We are pleased to announce the Rotary Leadership Series. The series will involve featured speakers providing insight and information about various aspects of leadership. The events are scheduled in a virtual format on the second Thursday of the month on an alternating schedule with the STAR program. 7:00-8:00 am. February, April, June, August, October, December
The Rotary Leadership Series is designed for the members of the nine La Crosse-area Rotary clubs. Members may invite guests. Registration is required.
Information will be included in our newsletters.
April 8, 2021 leadership series we will welcome Michelle McGrath, Ed.D Info Link.

In service, the Rotary Leadership Series Committee:
Lee Rasch, Andrew Bakkum, Scott Butler, Stephanie Fraase, Mary Beth Hensel, Art Lyons, Emily Nolte
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