Unlike other membership categories that can be requested by the member, Honorary Membership is bestowed upon a member by election from the Board of Directors.
Honorary Membership will be offered to members who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals. Honorary membership is the highest distinction that a club may bestow and should be conferred only in exceptional cases. Honorary members cannot propose new members to the club or hold office and are exempt from attendance requirements and club dues. A person may be an active member of one club and an honorary member of another club. Persons may hold honorary membership in more than one club.
The Rotary Club of La Crosse has designed the following criteria in addition to the above: Member must have been classified as an active member for 20 years in the Rotary Club of La Crosse or another Rotary Club. Certain exceptions may apply and be determined by the board of Directors; member must be in good standing; member must have had an active leadership position in the Club or Rotary Works Foundation. (Active is defined as: club officer or board member, committee chairperson.); Member must have monetarily contributed to the Rotary International Foundation to earn at least one Paul Harris Fellow. Contributions to the Rotary Works Foundation will also be considered; and there is no term limit. Honorary members will continue to receive The Rotarian Magazine compliments of the club. 